Because the Tourniquet is causing:
compromises, complications, injuries & failures!
The veniCuff Brochure |
In 1853, the Needle replaced the bloodletting razor.
In 2020, the veniCuff replaces the Tourniquet.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) give us the instructions.
Abstract There are three (3) historical periods to the vein access procedure: The Bloodletting Era (5th-19th century) with a razor, tourniquet, and a bowl; The Venipuncture Era (19th-20th century) when the needle replaced the bloodletting razor and blood draws, IVs, injection of contrast, blood donation, plasmapheresis, AV fistula access for kidney dialysis, PICC line insertions and Factor VIII injections came to be; and The Vein Access Era (21st century) when STEM was applied and where ALL venipuncture is now performed from a Science-based foundation, where the veniCuff and gentle touch replace the "rubber hose & a thump".
This veniCuff story is about Gray's Anatomy of the Vein (1894), Ernest Starling's Physiology of the Venous System (1896), and Woods and Pravaz' invention of the needle in 1853 - all finally applied to venipuncture in the year 2020. Better late, than never! |
The Tourniquet never had a scientific place in venipuncture!
Actual video instruction on How To Locate A Healthy Vein will be added to this website soon,
In the meantime, earn a CE through MediaLab, Inc.
This was written by Dr. Garland E. Pendergraph, PhD, JD, MLS (ASCP) SM, HCLD/CC (ABB) and M. Gail Stotler, BSN, RN, Vein Access Technologist.
And the veniCuff is now on the continuum.
This was written by Dr. Garland E. Pendergraph, PhD, JD, MLS (ASCP) SM, HCLD/CC (ABB) and M. Gail Stotler, BSN, RN, Vein Access Technologist.
And the veniCuff is now on the continuum.